Category «Fiqh»

Why does Islam have violent punishments?

I received the following question: I grew up in a predominantly Christian country, and as a Muslim, I have received several Islamophobic comments related to terrorism and similar topics. Initially, I wasn’t offended because I knew they were ignorant about Islam. However, over the past few years, I’ve begun to realize that these jokes are …

Rulers: Criticism, Rebellion, and Disobedience

This article will discuss several topics related to how Sunni Islam treats rulers. The article will discuss most of the major texts relevant to this topic, and it will discuss some wrong interpretations people have made of some of those texts. The correct position, in summary, is that: We are commanded to obey Muslim rulers …

Fatwa: Jihad in Palestine (Translation)

Original Arabic Fatwa: فتوى شرعية حول الجهاد والمجاهدين في فلسطين – منتدى العلماء Introduction Praise be to Allah, who says in the laws of His Book: “Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory.” [Al-Hajj: 39]. And He …

Islam on LGBT

Recently, a statement signed by many speakers and scholars, “Navigating Differences: Clarifying Sexual and Gender Ethics in Islam,” was released about the Islamic stance on the LGBT movement. The response to this statement was diverse, and this is an article analyzing the statement and the reaction to it: “Navigating Defilement: Thoughts on the Navigating Differences …

Fishy Reasoning: Hanafi Position on Seafood

I begin by praising Allah who created the salty seas, the roaring rivers, and the lustering lakes, then fashioned fish to flourish them, ships to sail them, and people to purpose them. I praise Him for His creation, and I thank Him for His guidance. From the guidance given to us by Allah in His …

Tazir: Discretionary Punishment according to Ibn Taymiyyah

Ibn Taymiyyah talks in his book As-Siyasah ash-Shar’iyyah about tazir, its reasons, and its extent. I will provide a non-direct translation of what he says. Sins That Get Tazir Sins that do not have a prescribed hadd punishment or kaffarah for them are given a tazir punishment. Examples of these sins include: A man kissing …